Happy Tuesday! Fall is coming in a few weeks and then the holiday countdown begins…ready or not! The holidays will be on your radar before you know it! Be honest; how does that sit with you? Does that stir up feelings of excitement or fear? Joy or anxiety? Anticipation or dread? Confidence or lack of confidence? Happiness or sheer panic? Pause for a moment and see how that feels right now? Where are you right now with your mental weight and your physical weight? Better yet, where do you want to be? What does your future self want for results BEFORE the holidays? How do you want to show up for the holidays this year? How do you want this year to be different?


You see, most people feel powerless at this time of year and struggle with doing the work now BEFORE the holidays. Why? Because it is easier to stay stuck! It is easier to keep doing the same things, even when they don’t work. Your brain likes routine and dislikes change. Changing one small thing at a time adds up to bigger changes that make a difference! One small step at a time changes everything. And how you do one thing is how you do everything! Such power that you really have!


Good news! You have a choice about how you feel and how you handle the approaching holiday season! You have power that you just haven’t realized yet! Are you surprised? Ready for me to guide you to make changes? Want to hear more?


In a few weeks, I’ll be kicking off my free “FALL INTO THE HOLIDAYS” challenge! I’ll teach you some of my favorite tools to make some changes BEFORE the holidays. It will be life changing and you’ll get fired up to be your best self! Habit change starts with your thoughts and then pushes out to your physical changes. It’s amazing how honoring this way of habit change works so well! 


Look for this FREE opportunity soon on my Facebook page (Georgette LePage Health & Life Coaching) and sign up for this incredible opportunity! What a great pre-holiday gift to give to yourself! You won’t want to miss it! I’ll be waiting for you!


You’ve got this!



Happy Tuesday! When you want to start losing weight, the biggest question probably is, “WHERE DO I START?” Chances are, the thought of getting started feels big and full of overwhelm, right? Other questions can pop up too, like “This is so out of control, so what do I do? Where do I start? How do I know what to do to make changes? How did I get here? Will this work? How long will it take?” These are just a few of the typical questions that your brain loves to ask with panic and stress when weight loss comes up. It’s normal for your thoughts to create a story of it being too big for you to handle.


Here’s a great visual that I use to help clients sort through the overwhelm with anything, but with weight loss in particular. Imagine yourself sitting on the living room floor and all of the loads of laundry that you just spent hours washing and drying is poured over your head. Every single piece of laundry is scattered on you and around you all at once. How does that feel? Probably very overwhelming! It’s too big to handle! It’s a big mess! Well, we tend to view weight loss in the same way: it’s too big, it’s too much, it’s a mess to figure out.


When your laundry is scattered about, you simply fold it, sort it in piles, put it neatly back in the basket , and distribute it to family members’ rooms. SIMPLE! So, I offer that you look at weight loss in the same way. It can be sorted into smaller chunks of what needs to be done and can be dealt with step by step, one action at a time. Getting started takes courage because you are facing the fact that change needs to happen and that it will be work. When you make that decision based on where you are now, you’re ready to move forward. Not looking back with unkind, punishing words to yourself allows you to move forward to where you want to be. When we drive a car, we don’t look in the rear view mirror the entire time; we look forward. Weight loss is the same.


So, as fall approaches and the holidays will be here before you know it, I invite you to decide what you’d like to set for a weight loss goal and simply take the first step to sort through the overwhelm in order to move forward! I’d love to work with you one on one to get you started, so reach out to me to begin your journey! You are worth it!


You’ve got this!


Happy Tuesday! As I sat at the memorial service for my dear friend’s dad this past weekend, I was deep in thought about what our life’s story is, especially as we leave our earthly life and leave our loved ones behind as they remember us. My friend’s dad was an amazing man, although I never had the pleasure to meet him. I did feel like I knew him by the time I left, though. All of the pictures at the service certainly painted a vivid picture of him, but it’s what the pastor DIDN’T say that was the most unique tribute I’ve ever heard! He read the words of my friend’s dad that he had written himself before he died. WOW!!!!! It struck me as one of the most powerful ways to comfort your family and friends and to have your own words spoken through someone else. Why don’t people do that more often for those left behind?

My coaching brain started racing and if I had had a notebook with me, which I did not, I would have filled several pages. I was thinking of how this can relate to people who are living their day to day lives. Ah ha! Would you be open to writing the story of your life as you live your everyday life? Why wouldn’t you want to tell your own story and live it out in real time to share with everyone? What version of your story do you choose to tell?


How empowering to write about your journey through life with the ups and downs and everything in between! Chances are that you will have so much to write about and YOU can decide what you say and how you say it! Talk about holding the power for your own life! I challenge you to write and tell your story while you are still here on Earth. You will be amazed at who you are and how you live your life!


Again, I am so sorry for my friend’s loss and at the same time so grateful for the lesson that at least one of us (but probably many more) received by listening to someone’s own words about his own story! What story are you telling? What story do you want to live and leave behind? A very good question to think about!


You’ve got this!


Happy Tuesday! I had a chance to purchase something wonderful BUT I missed out! I just didn’t think over the pros and cons fast enough or seriously enough and so I decided to say NO one hour before the deadline of deciding. I made a list of pros and cons and talked it over with my family in great detail. I asked them questions and they asked me questions to see how much I really wanted this purchase. Honestly, I just didn’t feel an overwhelming YES…at first! Did I overthink it? YES!


Has this happened to you before? You think about a decision for so long, you make it, but then you wish you could reconsider your choice! I call it “non-buyer’s remorse”. The reality for me was that time was up and there was no option for saying yes later. So many feelings: regret, disappointment, remorse, self-doubt, and anger. OUCH! The big question is “How do you react to these feelings in a more productive way so that you can learn from your mistakes?”


Well, I used to let it eat me up inside and drain my energy when I missed out on something as a result of my own thinking and choices. That never served me well and it usually lasted a long time. So, my new strategy is to own the feelings from making a regretful situation and to allow myself to “feel the feels” and to own what I did. I usually give myself a set amount of time to work through this part and to allow myself to face what I was going through. This time, I gave myself 24 hours to think it over and to feel disappointed, remorseful, regretful, angry, and sorry. I also reminded myself that it was not the end of the world and that there was a lesson(or two) to learn. 


So, the next step for me is to ask myself what I would do differently next time if the same situation happened again. I actually make a list of what I did and what I would do differently. It helps me to see the words on paper. I am careful to be kind to myself and to flip negative thoughts to be more positive. Was this decision the absolute worst one in my life? Absolutely not! Could I have said YES instead of NO and that would have been a good choice? I do think so! Once I wrote down how I could learn from this by doing things differently next time, it sure did seem obvious that I was waiting for the decision to be a perfect one and for everything to line up so neatly, which I do know is not possible! Nothing will ever be perfect, so you just have to do your best! Life is quite messy!


I challenge you this week to walk through one medium sized or big decision with a different approach so that you can make the best possible choice based on what you choose to think, the feelings that come from those thoughts (which you fully control!), and what you do about it! The best part is that you are in the driver’s seat no matter how challenging a decision feels! Decide something on purpose and you can feel at peace with it! Give it a try…I will the next time another opportunity comes my way! That’s how we learn!


You’ve got this!


Happy Tuesday! Did you take a leap of faith and show any courage this past week? I hope you gave it a thought after reading last week’s blog! I’ve been thinking a lot lately about a mindset shift from avoiding doing hard things to convincing myself that I can do hard things. It’s fresh on my mind as I’ve recently stepped out of my exercise comfort zone and have jumped into a “bootcamp” of weight training and intense exercise. I was ready to kick up my exercise level and my biggest supporter on the planet, my husband, stepped up to design a program for me AND to be my personal trainer. Lord help him because I started this kicking and screaming although I agreed to do it! I must have told him that I can’t do this a million times during the first week of the training. Why do I think that I can’t do hard things? Why am I resisting something that is good for me? Good question!

Would you agree that resisting doing something hard might just be some fear surfacing? Or could it mean that you’re afraid that you actually might succeed? Wow! So many thoughts about what this could mean! A good strategy to flip the resistance would be to remind yourself that you have already done hard things by thinking of a specific example and tell yourself that this current “hard thing” is very possible. How you choose to think about something is in your power! It’s up to you to choose your thoughts! We don’t get to choose our circumstances, but we do get to choose how we react to them with our thoughts! 

How inspiring to realize that you have so much power within you to dig deep and to do hard things! You’re more resilient than you think, so embrace this empowerment and go face your fears and do something hard! I believe in you! Let me know what you do!

You’ve got this!



Happy Tuesday! Do you have a secret wish? Do you have something in the back of your mind that you wish you had the courage to do but haven’t yet? Do you hold that wish in the back of your mind instead of finding the courage to actually do it? What is it?

I am SO proud of my sister, Aimée, who tried something new this past weekend, something that most of us would never even consider let alone do! She went skydiving! It took so much courage for her to do this and lots of willingness to take a risk! Why did she want to do it? Well, her big WHY was to enjoy each day to the fullest, which was an inspiration from her patients. You see, my sister is a nurse at the cancer center in our hometown and she experiences stress at work like many of us can’t even understand. She is remarkable, hard working, and well loved!

It took courage for her to even consider skydiving, courage to sign up, courage to suit up and board the plane, and SUPER BIG courage to jump out the door and experience such a moment of risk! Want to know the best part? One of her daughters did it with her! Look how she has passed on courage to her daughter!

Okay, so maybe you’re thinking about something small to step out of your comfort zone and do. Ask yourself what it is and what is holding you back? Are you ready to be brave and do it? I challenge you this week to pick one thing that you’ve been hoping to do but haven’t yet and JUST DO IT! Dig deep and find your courage! It might just inspire someone else to do the same; my sister sure did!

You’ve got this!



Happy Tuesday! Thanks for reading my blog today! I appreciate you spending a few minutes of your time here. I’m asking a very big question today: “WHAT IF?” As humans, we tend to give up right before something big is about to happen. Have you ever noticed this? Have you ever done this? I know I have! Are we impatient, scared or unmotivated? Are we all of the above? Why?

A perfect example of this is one of my clients who was struggling with the number on the scale not budging after so much hard work. She was sure that the number did not match her perceived weight loss. She wanted to quit trying to lose weight all together and was very discouraged. In her mind, her effort did not reflect the current result. Why should she keep working so hard if she wasn’t losing weight? Fair question!

I asked her to think about “what if” she was so close to her body releasing weight but she quit before seeing results. What if she would miss out on success due to being impatient and discouraged? Was it worth stopping? Once we spent time talking further, she decided that it was worth some patience and belief in herself and she decided to keep working at it. The very next week, she dropped a handful of pounds and was thrilled! What if she had quit? She would have missed out!

“What if” can be applied to our health and life in so many ways! Does it make you curious about staying motivated and determined to patiently wait for hard work to pay off? What is your most recent “What if” moment? Did you give up early or did you stick it out to see results? I invite you to notice this mindset this week and try to talk yourself into staying the course with a goal a little longer. Chances are you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

Please refer this blog to a friend so that more people can join us in these weekly habit change ideas!

You’ve got this!


Happy Tuesday! Close your eyes and think about standing at the bottom of a staircase. If you were to look all the way up to the top step, it would be obvious that you couldn’t just jump from the bottom step and automatically get to the top step, right? It takes the action of moving from the bottom step to the top one by taking one step at a time. Visualizing the staircase will help you realize that it works in that same way for everything!


Now, open your eyes and think about the last time that you expected a healthy change to take place instantly! Were you impatient? Did you really expect to reach your goal without doing the work in small steps? Why did you put so much pressure on yourself to succeed instantly?


In our world today, we expect things to be instant and effortless, but no one can really ever promise us that. We often buy into instant  gratification, especially with our health goals. You may ask yourself why it takes so long to lose weight or why it is hard to exercise for more than a few days without wanting to quit. Knowing that small steps lead to big changes can help you to reframe your thoughts so that you can realistically achieve your goals. Keeping this in mind and picturing that staircase that I mentioned earlier will encourage you to be patient, realistic, and hopeful while setting and meeting your health goals or any other goals for that matter. You have the power to choose how you think about taking small steps! It’s up to you! Which path would serve you best? Try some small steps and let me know how that feels and what happens as a result!


You’ve got this!


Happy Tuesday! One of my favorite coaching strategies is THE POWER OF YET. I use it with clients quite often to help them flip the negative thought of “I can’t”. When clients say, “I can’t”, it can come across as defeating and discouraging toward their goals. It implies a sense of giving up before you even attempt to do something. It can really hold you back from achieving greatness. The good news is that you are in complete control of what you think and how you feel! You are in charge of your own thoughts!


Do you ever notice that you blurt out “I can’t” before you even have a chance to think about doing something, especially when it might seem hard or like something that you’ve never done before? Probably so! It’s okay to admit that because most of us do!


Here are the most common “I can’t” statements that I hear with a new, positive flipped thought:

I can’t lose weight. → I haven’t lost the weight that I want to yet.

I can’t figure this out. → I haven’t figured this out yet.

I can’t do this! → I just can’t do this yet. 

I can’t understand why I’m getting in my own way. → I just haven’t understood why yet.


These flipped statements are all about shifting your mindset and leaving the door open for endless possibilities to reach your goals. They could often be followed with AND (not but) plus a positive action step. Try flipping your own “I can’t” sentences the next time one creeps into your thoughts and listen to how empowering it is to be more hopeful without even considering giving up on your goals! It’s amazing and you are fully empowered to flip your thoughts!


You’ve got this!


Happy Tuesday! Now that we are moving toward the recovery side of the pandemic, things are starting to feel “normal” again! This is a great time to look at your current emotional and physical health to get an idea of where you are and where you want to go. It can be overwhelming to think of the last year and all of the stress that went with it, but today is an ideal starting point for moving forward to improve your health. Where are you today and where do you want to go and grow?


First, examine the status of your emotional wellbeing: how do you feel, what is your stress level, and what are your challenges? Once you make a list of these answers, you can see what you are dealing with in regards to your emotions. Own how you feel and be kind to yourself for those feelings. 


Second, ask yourself where you want to go from here. Do you want to be less stressed and less anxious? Do you want to be more peaceful and joyful? What is your emotional blueprint? The power of WHY is your next puzzle piece to solve. Knowing your why for anything makes a difference with everything. Having a reason and purpose for how you want to feel is key.


Third, take an honest look at your physical state. Are you at an ideal weight or did you overeat during COVID? Are you rested and refreshed or tired and zapped of energy? Are you moving your body every day for at least 30 minutes or are you inactive? Be honest and get a fair picture of where you are today.


I know that you will feel more in control of your health once you run through these easy steps. Being real and honest about where you are both emotionally and physically will point you in the direction of making simple small changes which will lead to a big improvement in your health. Give it a try as a first step and always be kind to yourself! I’d be happy to tell you how I can help you with your next steps, so just contact me to learn more!


You’ve got this!
