Written by: Georgette LePage, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. 


There’s Only One Way To Go, So Let’s Move Forward!

Life is truly an adventure; sometimes feeling like a fairytale and sometimes feeling like a nightmare! It’s a rollercoaster ride with so many ups and downs along the way. When it comes to our health, there’s no better time than the present to make some small changes that will bring big shifts in the way we feel and look, on the inside and out. Although life was never promised as easy, we can’t ignore what humankind has endured over the last three years and the effects that we are now cleaning up and how we are trying to navigate back to “normal”. First of all, you ought to acknowledge what you’ve been through during these last few years and face how much of a struggle most of us had with our health and more specifically with our weight. Let’s just be real and own it.

A woman exercising in her home with hand weights.

In fact, according to experts, the COVID-19 pandemic changed us inside and out. For many people, those outward changes weren’t especially welcome. An APA Stress in America survey conducted in late February 2021 found 42% of U.S. adults reported undesired weight gain since the start of the pandemic, with an average gain of 29 pounds. According to the Harvard School of Health, roughly two out of three U.S. adults are overweight or obese (69 percent) and one out of three are obese (36 percent).¹ These statistics are alarming and should be a wake-up call for every American before it gets worse. Extra weight on your body precipitates sickness and disease and can put your overall health at risk. So, how do you make changes and see results in your weight? JUST MOVE FORWARD! Any health and life coach who genuinely knows her work will tell you that you didn’t get here overnight and each small step forward you make will move you closer to your goal of shedding pounds.

Step #1

Start by acknowledging where you are right now: Are you overweight? Are you sick all of the time? Are you tired all of the time? Are you depleted of energy? Do you not feel motivated to make changes? Do you feel overwhelmed about where to start? Do you feel confused by conflicting information on social media? Where are you right at this moment?

Step #2

Where do you want to go? In other words, what is your goal? Be specific! Declaring that you want to be healthy is too vague. You need to be clear about what that means. How does that look and feel and who benefits from your healthy changes? On a scale of 1-10, how important is it to you that you make these changes NOW?


What did you learn from your past? Without dwelling on your past (which is NOT the job of a health/life coach) what worked well and what were your challenges? What tools do you want to use this time to make progress?

Step #4

Start with ONE small step today and move forward! Forward is the only direction that will get you to your goal one action step at a time. Not sure where to begin and what to do? Do your homework and find resources, especially a coach who understands your pain points and your motivation to make changes. To be able to visualize this process, go stand at the bottom of a large staircase and look up. What do you see at the very bottom? What do you see all the way up to the top? Yes, each small step is an opportunity to get to the next step and to eventually get to the top step. No one jumps from the bottom to the top in one giant leap! It takes time, patience, planning, determination, motivation, and accountability to reach your goal. The pounds will come off, you will look and feel better, and you will reach your goal by moving forward and by looking ahead. Set your big goal, set smaller goals to get there, keep your focus, and get started with one small step TODAY! You’ve got nothing to lose (except weight) and everything to gain with becoming stronger and healthier inside and out! Happy First Step! Let’s go!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Georgette!

Georgette LePage, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage is a certified Health and Life Coach who empowers women all around the world to lose their mental weight first in order to then lose their physical weight. Her approach is honest, real, clear, and genuine with transformational habit change and mindset reset methods. Georgette’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Her focus on a healthy lifestyle inspires her clients to leave behind old diet culture thoughts and patterns in order to embrace fresh and simple ways to live their best lives without diet drama. Empowerment, self-confidence, and self-care are cornerstones of the programs that she offers. She helps her clients to get the results that they want with realistic, real-life strategies. She lives her own life the way she coaches others. She listens to what her clients want and guides them with compassion and accountability as they achieve their goals. She works with people of all ages (teens to seniors and every age in between) who are ready to live a healthier, more joyful life. Georgette also hosts the talk radio show WHY WEIGHT? with Dr. Pat Baccili on Transformational Talk Radio. In addition to speaking English, she also is fluent in French and Spanish. Georgette has 32 years of experience as a World Language Teacher, as well. Her coaching motto is: Feel better. Look better. Be your best self!




  • FlegalKM, Carroll MD, Kit BK, Ogden CL. Prevalence of obesity and trends in the distribution of body mass index among US adults,1999-2010. JAMA. 2012;307:491-7.


Happy Tuesday! This week, I want to ask you a very thoughtful question: Where do you get your energy? This is key to changing habits by first looking at where you are right now. In other words, what fuels your energy, your passion, your motivation, and your creativity? Where are you currently finding these important parts of your life? These are different areas of your life and yet they are interconnected by where your focus is. What are you spending time doing? What are you reading? What podcasts and music are you listening to? How are you getting exercise? 


For example, if you are feeling low on energy, you may discover what is the source of this drain by looking at where you are putting your energy. You might realize that you are reading books that keep you up at night, therefore leading to you feeling tired. Perhaps you are not getting any exercise and it’s making you feel run down and fatigued. You might even be listening to podcasts that are not up lifting. Whatever the case, do you want to find a new energy surge in your life? Here are a few quick ideas:


  1. Make a list of how you spend your time each day and rate those activities on a scale of 1-10, one being “not much at all” and ten being “all the time”.
  2. Look at your list and scratch off ONE thing that drains your energy so much that it is not worth it.
  3. Eliminate that item for ONE WEEK entirely.
  4. One week later, ask yourself how your energy is since you eliminated that item and is it work eliminating for good. 
  5. Make that adjustment.


If you’re unsure about which positive podcast to listen to or what uplifting book you could read, do a Google search and start the hunt for new energy sources. There are thousands of options waiting for you, if not more. You can even ask a friend or family member what they are listening to or reading to get some ideas, too.


This week, take this energy drain challenge and see how one small step can lead you to more energy and more positive thinking by getting started with ONE thing. You’ll quickly notice how effective the power of one can be. Let me know what you find out! I bet you’ll be surprised with good, uplifting vibes that are waiting for you to discover!


You’ve got this!



Ready for accountability and support on your weight loss journey, contact me to get started! glepage7@me.com



Happy Tuesday! Valentine’s Day is a week away, so this week’s blog offers you this idea: LOVE YOURSELF FIRST! Just like I enjoy reminding people “YOU BE YOU”, I’d like to offer you the idea of “LOVE YOURSELF FIRST”. How you treat yourself is how others treat you. It’s the vibe that you put out to the universe that sends the message to others about how to treat you and in this case, how to love you.


According to a survey by the National Retail Federation, Americans spent $23.9 billion for Valentine’s Day in 2022, the second-highest on record. This is a big holiday in our culture. It’s very hyped up and very encouraged. So, as Valentine’s Day approaches, how much do you love yourself first? How do you love yourself? What does that look like to you? “LOVE YOURSELF FIRST ” is a concept that encourages you to be kind to yourself and to look at yourself in the mirror and truly love the person staring back at you BEFORE you love others. When you love yourself first, you have more love to give to others. When you are kind to yourself, others get the message that it’s an expectation to love you the same way. It’s a question of self respect, as well.


Perhaps this year, you will be your own Valentine and will love yourself with intention. You don’t need to wait for others to love you first, so go first and see what ripple effect happens as a result. “LOVE YOURSELF FIRST” and show up for yourself, not just on Valentine’s Day, but every day! You deserve all of the goodness that flows from this self love. CAUTION: Once you genuinely love yourself first, it will become automatic and will change your outlook on life! Be ready for great things to happen. You deserve it and you are worth it! XXOO


You’ve got this!



Ready for accountability and support on your weight loss journey, contact me to get started! glepage7@me.com


How timely these words are today as we are practically a month into a new year! So, how are you doing with your health goals so far? More specifically, how are you doing with your weight loss? Are you sticking to your plan to lose weight and to get healthier or has your motivation fizzled out? Traditionally, 92% of people who make new year’s resolutions do not keep them beyond the first 3-4 weeks of starting. It’s mind-blowing to think that only 8% of people keep their promises to themselves. What does that say about our motivation, patience, and commitment to our health? Here are 3 common weight loss mistakes and how to flip them to get results:

Mistake #1: Trying to change more than one habit at a time

This rings true for any goal, especially when it comes to weight loss! We tell ourselves that everything has to change all at once in order for us to get the results we want. In fact, the opposite is quite true: one small step starts you in the right direction of changing a habit and then spirals into another small step, then another, and so on and so forth! The brain functions well by doing one thing at a time, so why not start with one small habit. For instance, the goal of losing weight can be so daunting and we tend to want to change everything all at once. The quantity over quality mindset doesn’t work well for this goal or any other one for that matter. Flip it to reflect doing ONE small change this week or this month and then add another one when the first step becomes a habit; an action that you do automatically. Perhaps the first step is to write down what you eat for a week in order to see where improvements can be made or ditch sugar to see how much better you feel. Not only will you free up more energy and concentration to focus on your goal, but chances are also you will form a more solid, steady habit that will last. Cut the overwhelm and get started now! Less is more in this case! 

Mistake #2: Waiting for the perfect time to start

As humans, one of our procrastination tactics is to wait for the perfect time to start our weight loss journey. “I’ll start on Monday.” “I’ll wait until after the holidays.” I’ll wait until after my trip/birthday/wedding…etc.!” “Once the kids are older, I can focus on my weight/health.” “I’m too busy right now.” The excuses go on and on. Does this sound familiar? Putting it off simply shows that we are fearful of doing the work, potentially failing (again) or potentially succeeding, which would throw us into a new, uncomfortable world and we’d have to take a hard look at ourselves. Being vulnerable certainly doesn’t sound appealing to most people, but does it seem better than being unhealthy and overweight? A great question to truly think about! Even if you’ve failed at shedding pounds in the past, it’s helpful to realize that this time you’re not starting from scratch; you’re starting from experience. That’s a big mindset shift that will be very impactful!

Mistake #3: Stopping too earlY

Why are we so quick to quit before getting results? According to experts, such as James Clear (author of Atomic Habits), on average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact. And how long it takes a new habit to form can vary widely depending on the behavior, the person, and the circumstances. In short, we simply often quit before changes have been made and most likely miss out on “almost succeeding”. Common reasons why we quit are: we don’t see results fast enough, we don’t want it badly enough (it’s not important enough), we don’t prioritize ourselves and our health enough, we feel overwhelmed and defeated, we don’t know what to do or we don’t have support.

Have there been times when you later realized that had you just been patient and worked on something a little longer the results would have surfaced? In all honesty, everyone probably can relate to this. Perhaps the number on the scale wasn’t changing fast enough, so you quit only to wonder later…WHAT IF? What if I had given the scale a little more time? What if I had eaten better for a little longer? What if I had waited a little longer for my clothes to fit more loosely? To avoid regret and asking yourself “WHAT IF?”, give yourself a reasonable amount of time to be patient, kinder to yourself, and determined to finish what you started.

As you set goals for the health and weight loss results that you truly want and are committed to working towards this year, flip the three mistakes we’ve talked about today in your favor with an optimistic yet realistic approach to getting the results you want. Harvest sound advice and knowledge from trusted sources and start your journey TODAY! There’s no time like the present! I guarantee you will look back and appreciate the first step you took to move your health forward with determination and motivation! Happy first step!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Georgette!

Georgette LePage is a certified Health and Life Coach who empowers women all around the world to lose their mental weight first in order to then lose their physical weight. Her approach is honest, real, clear, and genuine with transformational habit change and mindset reset methods. Georgette’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Her focus on a healthy lifestyle inspires her clients to leave behind old diet culture thoughts and patterns in order to embrace fresh and simple ways to live their best lives without diet drama. Empowerment, self-confidence, and self-care are cornerstones of the programs that she offers. She helps her clients to get the results that they want with realistic, real-life strategies. She lives her own life the way she coaches others. She listens to what her clients want and guides them with compassion and accountability as they achieve their goals. She works with people of all ages (teens to seniors and every age in between) who are ready to live a healthier, more joyful life. Georgette also hosts the talk radio show WHY WEIGHT? with Dr. Pat Baccili on Transformational Talk Radio. In addition to speaking English, she also is fluent in French and Spanish. Georgette has 32 years of experience as a World Language Teacher, as well. Her coaching motto is: Feel better. Look better. Be your best self!


Happy Tuesday! Today I’m sharing one of my favorite coaching strategies of all time: STAY IN YOUR LANE. I hear a common struggle from clients on a regular basis: I’m exhausted from everyone else’s “stuff”. Yes, it is so easy to feel pulled here and there from everyone else’s stress, concerns, and life. On a regular basis, clients confess their over involvement in everyone else’s life, whether it be by being in the know, FOMO (fear of missing out) or over concern. When it feels like this is a struggle, you are right; it is! Most of the time when you recognize that it’s sucking your energy, it’s the perfect time to do something about it. Like I always say, you can’t control what happens to you (=circumstance), but you CAN control how you react (=thoughts, feelings & actions).


For example, say that you’re trying to lose weight and have made up your mind to make some small but important changes to get to your goal (which is the best way to do it!). At work, you’re doing all of the things to get weight loss results BUT you notice that a few coworkers are losing weight faster than you (so you think) and you now feel left behind and less confident in your skills. This is a classic example of when to gently remind yourself to “STAY IN YOUR LANE”. It simply means to mind your own business and do what is best for you. By cutting out the brain chatter of not doing enough, not doing what everyone else is doing, and not going along with everyone else, your goals will be clearer and more specific. Therefore, you will keep your focus on yourself.


“STAY IN YOUR LANE” is a critical strategy for improving focus and concentration, respecting your goals and intentions, and saving energy for what is important to you: YOUR HEALTH. Just like driving a car in traffic, you need to stay in your lane to arrive at your destination safely. Picture yourself in your dream car with both hands on the wheel in 4 lanes of traffic going 70 miles per hour and realize how important it is to stay in your lane… literally! 


This week, try the “STAY IN YOUR LANE” strategy and let me know how it went in the comments. I’m pretty sure you’ll learn how to catch yourself and get back in your lane when overwhelm and stress come to visit your brain. As always, YOU are in the driver’s seat of your own life! Bon voyage!

You’ve got this!


Let’s chat to see if we are a good fit to work together! Contact me at glepage7@me.com


Happy 2023! This month, I will offer you one action step and one mindset shift  to help you jumpstart your 2023 health goals! I’m a firm believer in one small step at a time in order to reach your goals! Our brains like information in smaller chunks and will remember habits and patterns more easily that way!


This week, think about your intentions with your sweets and sugar! Are you giving them up all together or are you cutting back? Both ways can work depending on your motivation, determination, and decision making. It’s up to you! There is never only ONE way to do something, so do what will work for you!


If you have decided to reduce the number of sugary treats that you’ll be eating, I’d like to offer my concept of SWEET SATURDAY. When my son, Matthew, was young, he did not get very many sugary treats most of the time. It was easy to decide what he could or could not eat then based on what we allowed. As he got older, it got harder to keep up with, especially once he went to school where treats were offered as “normal” rewards and celebrations. To help regulate his sugar intake for the sake of his health, not as deprivation, I created the idea of SWEET SATURDAY. The guidelines were easy: no sugary treats, desserts, etc. during the week and ONE treat was okay on Saturday. I know that I got some criticism for it, but it ended up being a very good learning experience as well as a healthier alternative. It introduced the power of choice and the excitement of anticipation. Matthew was very selective with his one treat per week and learned how to make choices with quality of food in mind. It became something to look forward to instead of taking for granted and the anticipation of it was something to really look forward to. Even today at age eighteen, although SWEET SATURDAY is a practice of the past for him, he makes better choices by thinking about what to eat and when. He is aware of healthy vs. less healthy choices and is now old enough to decide for himself.


It’s a mindset shift from “what I can’t have” to “what I choose to have”! I know that you will find this more empowering which will then lead to longer lasting habits that stick. This week, I invite you to give this a try if it matches what your goals are regarding limiting sweets. Put your own spin on it and let me know in the comments what you did, how it went, and how you thought about treats differently! You have nothing to lose by giving it a try…except extra sugar!


You’ve got this!



Need accountability, support, and expert resources to lose weight? Email me at glepage7@me.com to see if we are a good fit to work together!

5 Reasons Why You Will Get Weight Loss Results Faster By Working With A Health & Life Coach

Cheers to a new year and hopefully a new you! It’s the time of year when everyone seems to reflect on the current year and then sets goals for the new year. You’ll typically start to see TV and social media ads for exercise equipment, diet programs, diet foods, and all of the things “diet” the day after Christmas. Don’t be surprised, though, if you see some during the week of Christmas, as advertisers ramp up their sales earlier and earlier each year. In fact, according to an article by INC., only 9% of Americans keep their New Year’s resolutions although 40-50% of the population declare new goals for the upcoming year. The success rate drops dramatically around January 19th, also known as “Quitters Day”.

woman with her personal trainer in gray t-shirt running on treadmill.

That being said, I’m all about setting goals for the new year, although I always encourage healthier habits that start TODAY, regardless of the date on the calendar. My clients understand that starting to make healthy changes to shed extra pounds can start right now, which is a huge mindset shift from waiting until after the holidays. You’re ahead of the game when you decide to make changes and you start them ASAP. So, are you ready to be among the 9% of Americans who set goals for the new year and keep them long-term?

Here are my top 5 reasons why you get weight loss results faster by working with a health and life coach!

#1: Discover the real reason why you are carrying extra weight

A good coach starts by asking very thought-provoking questions about where you are right now with your weight and your health and then by listening to what you say. I explain this beginning step to my clients as if they are spitting out puzzle pieces on the floor for us to look at, ask about, and wonder about together. You see, there’s always more than meets the eye when someone wants to make a health change. What you think is the underlying issue can often uncover much more. I do believe that everyone does know their WHY once they talk it out and think about it with a coach. You have all of the “puzzle pieces” in your brain and are empowered to take action right away!

#2: The right coach for you walks the talk

The ideal coach for you practices what they preach, and this is more important than you think! You wouldn’t get marital advice from a single person, would you? So why would you get guidance from someone who has not walked a mile in your shoes? For weight loss coaching, aren’t you looking for someone who has an experience losing weight and who can share the story about their journey, including the ups and downs? Be selective when it comes to the coach’s philosophy, approach, and methods. Do your homework and look at their website, social media, and testimonials. Also, be very in tune with the vibe you get while first talking with a coach and ask good questions. Again, seek out someone who you think understands your struggles and who offers solutions to your specific problem. Being a good fit is key to finding and staying with a skilled coach! Trusting your coach is vital!

#3: Partnership & Accountability

This reason is a key component in your coaching choice. All humans want to be loved and to belong, which is very hard to do on your own. Most people see better weight loss results when they team up with someone, such as a coach. Why? Having support is one thing, and having someone available to hold you accountable is another. When you hire a coach, you should be getting one-on-one attention. Having to show up to a weekly session (in person or virtually) is a critical piece of how successful you will be. Treat each session/appointment/meeting as if your life depended on it and show up. Honor your time and theirs by being consistent with your meetings. Look for someone who checks on you, hears you, and shows up for you. In turn, show the same respect and show up for yourself.

#4 One size does not fit all

Molly Carmel, the author of Breaking Up with Sugar, says “If someone tells you there’s only one way, run away!” I couldn’t agree more! No two humans on the planet have had the exact same life experience and never will. Back in the day, I remember seeing the tag in shirts that read, “One size fits all.” They never really could have, but that was the message. Oddly enough, clothing tags now read, “One size fits many.” How true! A coach should be able to meet you where you are in your health journey and lead you down a path that works for you. On the other hand, coaches have their niches or specialties, so find one who matches your needs. Since I specialize in weight loss, someone searching for a divorce coach would simply not be a good fit for me to work with to move through issues only related to divorce. Be choosy, do your homework, and look for someone who fits helping you to solve your problem: weight loss.

#5 Get a community of support

The guidance and expertise you get from a coach is critical to your success, as is building your community of support. Do your homework and go where your people are. Seek resources that work for you: join a FaceBook group, follow a qualified expert on Instagram, find a book club, listen to a new podcast, or join an exercise group or class. Start with ONE place to find people who are like-minded and who are working on the same goal. Ask your new coach to give you some resources for such communities! I know that I can rattle off resources (podcasts, books, websites, social media experts, etc.) on the spot when my clients ask (or when I feel the need to give them to my clients as we are working together). You will learn and grow as you expand your circle of support! We all do better with fellowship!

So, as we begin 2023, what are you choosing to do for your health and why? Why not choose a health and life coach to walk alongside you on this journey! Check out what I offer atgeorgettelepage.com to see if we might be a good fit and email me to set up a free 30-minute discovery session to see if we are a good fit! Why wouldn’t you want support, expertise, and accountability to be successful? Cheers to 2023!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Georgette!

Georgette LePage, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage is a certified Health and Life Coach who empowers women all around the world to lose their mental weight first in order to then lose their physical weight. Her approach is honest, real, clear, and genuine with transformational habit change and mindset reset methods. Georgette’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Her focus on a healthy lifestyle inspires her clients to leave behind old diet culture thoughts and patterns in order to embrace fresh and simple ways to live their best lives without diet drama. Empowerment, self-confidence, and self-care are cornerstones of the programs that she offers. She helps her clients to get the results that they want with realistic, real-life strategies. She lives her own life the way she coaches others. She listens to what her clients want and guides them with compassion and accountability as they achieve their goals. She works with people of all ages (teens to seniors and every age in between) who are ready to live a healthier, more joyful life. Georgette also hosts the talk radio show WHY WEIGHT? with Dr. Pat Baccili on Transformational Talk Radio. In addition to speaking English, she also is fluent in French and Spanish. Georgette has 32 years of experience as a World Language Teacher, as well. Her coaching motto is: Feel better. Look better. Be your best self!

Happy Tuesday! Here we are 5 days away from Christmas! It has been my pleasure leading you from the fall into this season with helpful tips and action steps to launch you into better healthy habits, especially at this difficult time of yummy temptations and treats galore. I hope you took at least one strategy and tried it.
If you tried to avoid gaining holiday weight and it worked, good for you! If you implemented some new strategies and lost some weight, good for you! If you gained some weight, today can be the day you make some changes. The point is that there is no right or wrong place to be right now. The power is within yourself. YOU get to decide the direction in which you move your health.
Now is a good opportunity to step back and pause to think about what you did differently and how it worked for you. How much effort did you put into getting results? How did you shift old ways of thinking to newer ones? How do your results feel? How do you feel about your overall health today and how is that different from a few months ago? This is the time to assess what you did and what you didn’t do so that you can move to the next step.
The new year is soon upon us and most people jumpstart new eating patterns and new resolutions thinking that they should wait until then. I’d like to suggest that you start one new habit TODAY! Why wait? What are you waiting for…really! Something to think about!
I will be guiding new clients as the year begins, so why haven’t you invested in your health yet by working with me? I’m ready to help you look better, feel better, and be your best self on the inside and out! Contact me today to set up a complimentary discovery session so that we can get started on your journey! I’m ready…are you???
You’ve got this!

‘Tis The Season To Know Your Reason For Getting Healthier

Written by: Georgette LePage, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. 

During this holiday season, you have two choices: stay unhealthy and unhappy or make healthy habit changes TODAY to become healthy and happy. It’s that simple. As always, where you are now in your weight loss journey and where you go is entirely in your power. You are in the driver seat and you are responsible for your own health. Even though you might feel overwhelmed by so much information or confused about where to start, it is your responsibility to take control of your own goals, outcomes, and results by becoming curious about your options and hungry for real meaningful changes.

So, think about your current situation and ask yourself what is going well with your health and what is not going so well. What are you proud of and what are you unsatisfied with? What are your strengths and what are your weaknesses? Are there patterns that you keep repeating that do not lead to your desired results? What obstacles are in your way?

All of the holiday hype and hustle and bustle can be intense in itself, so imagine the immediate reaction when we think about losing weight at this time of year! Usually, the message to our brains is that it is impossible to melt away pounds right now and it is too much work. We might tell ourselves that we’re too busy, too stressed, too tired, too distracted or too late to make a difference before the end of the holiday season. We are very good at holding ourselves back from making changes and enjoying progress by convincing ourselves that the timing is bad. I’d like to challenge you to flip the script and to push yourself to try a different approach TODAY. This might be met with resistance on your part, but hear me out! You’ve got nothing to lose but pounds!

Here are 3 key strategies for losing weight before the holiday season ends this year:

1. Know your reason

Why do you want to lose weight? It might be in response to recent lab results from your doctor that were not good. Perhaps there’s an old or new holiday outfit that you’d like to put on and look and feel better wearing. Maybe once and for all you are tired of hiding yourself in the back of group pictures. You possibly might want to enjoy other parts of the celebrations besides focusing on the food. Whatever it is, know your WHY as a first step.

2. Cut through the information overload

Once you decide to lose weight in the next month or so, decide exactly what your goal is and be specific. Write it down and put it on your calendar. At the end of each day, mark off the square for that day to celebrate your hard work towards your goal for the day. Little successes will add up quickly and will fuel you to keep going.

3. Do only one action step a day… not one more

This is super important in order to be laser focused. It also supports keeping things simple and doable. You see, our brains like to keep it simple and do better with one task at a time. For example, if you are choosing to only have dessert on the weekend, such as my “Sweet Saturday ” method where I only eat a sweet treat on Saturday instead of daily, make that your one focus, your one action step. I don’t recommend trying to change all of your unhealthy eating habits at the same time. You’ll be amazed at how clear and focused you will be doing one thing at a time. Small steps lead to big changes. Be concise and consistent to see results faster!

Typically at first, my clients resist this idea of implementing healthy weight loss habits one at a time with intention during a busy time of year filled with endless temptations, but they are always amazed and impressed with following through and putting forth the effort to do the work once they see their results. I invite you to make this year different so that you can enjoy the last part of the holiday season with focus, determination, and hope for a healthier you inside and out. Again, you’ve got nothing to lose but pounds, so what are you waiting for? You are worth it…starting TODAY!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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Georgette LePage, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage is a certified Health and Life Coach who empowers women all around the world to lose their mental weight first in order to then lose their physical weight. Her approach is honest, real, clear, and genuine with transformational habit change and mindset reset methods. Georgette’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Her focus on a healthy lifestyle inspires her clients to leave behind old diet culture thoughts and patterns in order to embrace fresh and simple ways to live their best lives without diet drama. Empowerment, self-confidence, and self-care are cornerstones of the programs that she offers. She helps her clients to get the results that they want with realistic, real-life strategies. She lives her own life the way she coaches others. She listens to what her clients want and guides them with compassion and accountability as they achieve their goals. She works with people of all ages (teens to seniors and every age in between) who are ready to live a healthier, more joyful life. Georgette also hosts the talk radio show WHY WEIGHT? with Dr. Pat Baccili on Transformational Talk Radio. In addition to speaking English, she also is fluent in French and Spanish. Georgette has 33 years of experience as a World Language Teacher, as well. Her coaching motto is: Feel better. Look better. Be your best self!


Happy Tuesday! Happy Thanksgiving in a few days! The holidays are under way for sure! Given what the world has been through over the last two years, there is still so much out of balance and so many feelings of uncertainty and confusion. It feels like we should be able to ask “Are we there yet?” and get the response, “YES!” Unfortunately, we’re all still navigating through so many challenges in addition to managing daily life. Overwhelm has become an everyday feeling for so many of us. Does this resonate with you? Are you still treading water? Are you still readjusting to “normal “ life? How does that feel? Would you like to trade that feeling for a more uplifting one?


Once again, this is where choice comes into play. We can allow ourselves to feel all doom and gloom and helpless or we can look at our lives through the lens of gratitude. Which one sounds more productive? I’m not at all suggesting that we ignore real life and its struggles, don’t get me wrong. What I am offering is a double dose of gratitude each day we wake up and live another day. What would happen if one of our first thoughts of the day would be gratitude for all that we have and for all that we don’t have? How would you feel to set your intention each morning by being thankful for the people in your circle? How would you feel if you looked in the mirror and smiled back at yourself being thankful for your life? 


This week, I’d like to offer you the possibility of stepping back from the noise and chatter, taking a pause, and thinking about the ways that you are grateful for so many things, and then…saying them out loud! Go ahead and say it! I promise that it will feel so much better than keeping them silent! Careful…it is contagious and will feel so refreshing!


Need more guidance on your journey of better health (on the inside and out)? Contact me to set up a complimentary discovery call to see what I offer! You can’t go wrong!


You’ve got this!



Georgette LePage Health & Life Coaching
