Happy Tuesday! Fall is coming in a few weeks and then the holiday countdown begins…ready or not! The holidays will be on your radar before you know it! Be honest; how does that sit with you? Does that stir up feelings of excitement or fear? Joy or anxiety? Anticipation or dread? Confidence or lack of confidence? Happiness or sheer panic? Pause for a moment and see how that feels right now? Where are you right now with your mental weight and your physical weight? Better yet, where do you want to be? What does your future self want for results BEFORE the holidays? How do you want to show up for the holidays this year? How do you want this year to be different?


You see, most people feel powerless at this time of year and struggle with doing the work now BEFORE the holidays. Why? Because it is easier to stay stuck! It is easier to keep doing the same things, even when they don’t work. Your brain likes routine and dislikes change. Changing one small thing at a time adds up to bigger changes that make a difference! One small step at a time changes everything. And how you do one thing is how you do everything! Such power that you really have!


Good news! You have a choice about how you feel and how you handle the approaching holiday season! You have power that you just haven’t realized yet! Are you surprised? Ready for me to guide you to make changes? Want to hear more?


In a few weeks, I’ll be kicking off my free “FALL INTO THE HOLIDAYS” challenge! I’ll teach you some of my favorite tools to make some changes BEFORE the holidays. It will be life changing and you’ll get fired up to be your best self! Habit change starts with your thoughts and then pushes out to your physical changes. It’s amazing how honoring this way of habit change works so well! 


Look for this FREE opportunity soon on my Facebook page (Georgette LePage Health & Life Coaching) and sign up for this incredible opportunity! What a great pre-holiday gift to give to yourself! You won’t want to miss it! I’ll be waiting for you!


You’ve got this!


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